Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Spent a lovely afternoon yesterday running a session for the local ECHO group. I have been lucky enough to have worked with them for nearly 3 years now. They have recently had their funding cut, sign of the times, which means they can't pay for as many sessional workers. I have decided to volunteer half a day each month so that I can carry on working with them. This is great all round; I get more experience, references and images from the workshops, they get a tutor free of charge and we all benefit from sharing ideas and resources. Win, win, win.

It turned out to be a good start to the week (unusually) as I received a free copy of a publication called Creative Steps. See www.creativesteps.co.uk. What a brilliant magazine, excellent ideas for 0-7 craft activities. I am hoping that I might be able to contribute some of my tried and tested makes.

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