Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Time out

Hope all you Mums out there were well looked after on Sunday. I can't fault my day; began with freshly baked croissants in bed and ended with my husband cooking the evening meal. Also got to see the whole of Shirley Valentine accompanied by wine and chocolates and no smart remarks.
Most importantly I was allowed to spend time on the laptop, without feeling guilty as it was MY day, which resulted in me opening my Etsy shop. Hurray! Actually I opened 2 shops which was a mistake but it will be interesting to see if one is found before the other. I only had one item to sell so it is a very exculsive boutique at this stage.  This is a picture of the embroidered brooch I have listed.

Find it at www.mystashyourstash.etsy.com. I'd love to hear what you think of the shop and of Etsy in general.

This was quite an achievement for me with my limited pc skills. Ok, so the shop doesn't look very exciting yet but it was quite a step for me. I'm hoping that it will be a way to share the templates and patterns I have spent so many hours preparing for workshops. There is so much free content available it does seem a bit daunting to try and earn from my designs. However, finding quality and usable material is another matter. That another thing I have spent hours doing.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Bring on the sunshine

Isn't it amazing what a difference some sunshine can make? Feel so much more motivated and creative this week.  Have even managed to do some stitching after a long,long break. If it looks ok when I have finished I'll post some pictures!

Apart from the summer workshops at Queenswood Country Park I will also be joining Ranger Jim in October half term week a family art event on Tuesday 27th October. We will walk in the woods collecting fallen material and then make a large piece of artwork on the woodland trail. What a great way to spend some time together. 

Earlier this week I had to plan for a workshop for adults with learning difficulties. They are a lovely group to work with but have varying levels of ability so it can be quite a challenge to find things that are interesting enough for them without being to complex.  Came up with a box idea that would act as a gift box for a polyanthus and could then double up as a gift for Mothers Day. I was worried it looked to straightforward but everyone loved it.  And as usual the volunteer helpers came up with some creative variations. Jane suggested it had commercial potential and she would steel the idea. Ha, ha beat you to it! It'll be on Etsy as soon as I've sussed out how to open a shop.

It is one of my own designs. Thought up while I was watching Heston Blumenthal's Tudor feast. Though that did not give the inspiration!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Spent a lovely afternoon yesterday running a session for the local ECHO group. I have been lucky enough to have worked with them for nearly 3 years now. They have recently had their funding cut, sign of the times, which means they can't pay for as many sessional workers. I have decided to volunteer half a day each month so that I can carry on working with them. This is great all round; I get more experience, references and images from the workshops, they get a tutor free of charge and we all benefit from sharing ideas and resources. Win, win, win.

It turned out to be a good start to the week (unusually) as I received a free copy of a publication called Creative Steps. See www.creativesteps.co.uk. What a brilliant magazine, excellent ideas for 0-7 craft activities. I am hoping that I might be able to contribute some of my tried and tested makes.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

July workshops at Queenswood

Those lovely people at Queenswood Country Park have invited me back to run 2 craft sessions in the school holidays.

Monday 20th July - Make a Green Man or woman or tree sprite
Monday 27th July - Weave in the woods.

Weather permitting both events will be held outside in the woods. There will be 3 sessions each day lasting for one hour but booking is advisable as it proved very popular last year. Details will be advertised soon. Cost is £3.50 and you get to take home what you make.