Wednesday 15 August 2012

Hobbycraft Hereford

Hobbycraft Hereford

A few weeks ago one of our regular shop customers suggested that I contact the new Hobbycraft store in Hereford as they were keen to have local crafters in to demonstrate in the store. So I did and its a great idea. They will provide a table in the store and any materials needed. You can show off your talent and sell any made crafts providing they use materials that can be purchased in the store.

I wasn't sure what to demonstrate but finally decided to show how to do feltmaking as it meant I could get my hands on one of GillianGladRags feltmaking kits which I have lusted after since seeing them at a craft show. Rachel came to help and we made our way through the Fiesta Fandangle bracelet and the Ickle Pickle Felt Bag. If you haven't seen Gillian's site it is a gorgeous colour-fest of wooliness, go and check it out here The kits contain all you need, easy instructions and are the perfect introduction to feltmaking if you haven't had a go before.

Fiesta Fandangle Felt Bracelet kit

It wasn't very busy in the store considering it was a Saturday but everyone who came to see us loved the felting

and the staff had a great itme too.

we both had a brilliant day and will be back at the end of September for another session.

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