to go with my mid year crisis and mid life crisis too. Tomorrow is the 1st July, we're past midsummer and I'm thinking "where has the year/my life gone?' barely getting into my stride after the winter. MA studies taking up considerable time but now flowing much better since I have allocated study days (technical term for spending the day in your pyjamas, having snack breaks every hour and reading without feeling guilty) and actually manage to write some content. It's also made me focus on future plans and starting from tomorrow I am pledging to blog at least twice a week. For the purposes of the MA I've been keeping a written journal so it may as well be on line. I'm hoping that with a little discipline I can gradually move content to the blog anyway and try out ideas. Haven't had a website for over a year but not rushing to replace it until I know what I need. The blog seems like the perfect way to do this.
Felt very pleased with myself for ordering a card reader to be able to transfer images off the camera more quickly. However, when it arrived its not compatible with my xd card even though the description said it would be. Darn. Anyway it is ok with my mobile which doesn't take great pictures but here is one of the chickens just to prove I can actually do it.

Note: They're easily bored and not very good at group pictures, but as they lay the best eggs ever I forgive them.
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