Saturday 16 April 2011

Easter bunnies

These definitely have the cute factor. Made at the ECHO shop ready for Easter

Countryfile comes to Leominster!

Blimey, first we get Wetherspoons then the BBC discover us and come to film the community orchard. Couldn't resist the opportunity to a) meet Matt Baker and b) get some publicity for ECHO so the Thursday team came up with the "Farm in a Box".

Using Jan Trewin's wonderful pom pom chickens/pigs/sheep we added a few new arrivals, created a brilliant gift box and there you go. Definitely a one-off, but I think they liked it.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Silk painting part 2 & 3

The silk painting course had been held over 3 mornings. We have all had a great time and hope to meet up again soon. Now we have learnt the basics everyone is keen to have further practice and maybe some studio time with a little supervision will be the best thing.
Here is one sample of the beautiful work.