Friday 5 August 2011

That's the way to do it!

ECHO summer window
The idea for the ice creams came first and originally we were going to make an ice cream parlour but after some group discussions it transformed into a day out at the seaside. We made the punch and judy show based on a lovely photo found on Wiki 

Then we came up with the idea of sticks of rock. These were cardboard tubes wrapped in pink tissue paper and then clear cellophane. We added 'ECHO ROCKS' lables - because we do! A jar of pretty shells helped us make the word 'ECHO'.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

How to make a bug hat

This is a really easy make. I've used it many times at workshops, it is especially good for drop-in sessions when you have to create something with the WOW factor that is ready to take away in a matter of minutes. If speed is what you need have the pieces cut ready.

You will need:
1 x headband approx 60cm long and 7cm wide

6  Legs (or 8 for a spider)
2  Eyes 
2  Antennae + 1 tongue

Form the headband into a circle, measure to fit around the child's head then staple to secure.

Bend all the leg strips into zig zags all the way along and then staple them to either side of the hat.

Now for the features;

Add some pupils to the eye circles using coloured pens or paper. We used some vinyl scraps which are easy as they are ready to stick.
Wrap the antennae strips around your
finger or a pencil to make them curly.
Staple the features to the hat. 

This hat was a bug but it can easily be adapted for other themes eg fish/under the sea or add flowers/leaves.
For a longer 'make' get the children thinking about the design in more detail before they construct the hat. Use paper and pens so they can draft their ideas and discuss them.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

How to make a stick insect - quick & easy to make

Ok, it's an insect on a stick rather than a stick insect but still an easy and quick make using scrap materials. When you've finished whirling it around, stick it into a plant pot or garden border for decoration.
You will need; a 30cm length of 5mm dowel or a stick, a pipecleaner, a selection of scrap bits and pieces. We used sequin waste, cellophane and some other spongy offcuts *

Bend the pipecleaner into a 'U' and place 2 pieces of cellophane for the wings, about 15cm x 10cms, plus the other decorative bits on top. Add some dangly bits for a tail. Now twist the pipecleaner ends so that it traps everything together (see photo). It's that easy! No glue, just twist together.

Use some string or yarn to fix the insect to the stick and away you go.

Variation: use some coiled wire to make a spring and fix to the dowel to make a pot decoration.(photo on left)

* Do you have a local scrap store? Ours is a 56 mile round trip to Church Stretton! - but it's still fun to go and see what treasures they have. 
Check out their website - Scrappies.

insect on a stick as a garden decoration

Insect on a stick

Tuesday 7 June 2011

It was here all along

Funny how you have to go away to appreciate what you already have and see things in a new light, but that's just what happened last week. A mini-break in London promised plenty of new ideas and experiences. Living, as we do, a little off the beaten track in the rural depths of Herefordshire and not travelling too far or too often, I've developed a tendency for thinking that we're a bit of a backwater and lagging behind the times somewhat. Far from it! Although we stopped in lovely Notting Hill Gate (by Portobelllo Market) and went into lots of shops it was a little disappointing not to find anything with a WOW factor. OK, Liberty's was a bit wow and I wish it was closer so I could go more often, and I did see one or two ideas to adapt for the ECHO shop but ...... we already had very similar stock. Hurrah! bang on trend and a fraction of the price. Leominster is the place to be. 

Just wondering now where I can get a ton or two of wood panelling to recreate the Liberty's look.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Easter bunnies

These definitely have the cute factor. Made at the ECHO shop ready for Easter

Countryfile comes to Leominster!

Blimey, first we get Wetherspoons then the BBC discover us and come to film the community orchard. Couldn't resist the opportunity to a) meet Matt Baker and b) get some publicity for ECHO so the Thursday team came up with the "Farm in a Box".

Using Jan Trewin's wonderful pom pom chickens/pigs/sheep we added a few new arrivals, created a brilliant gift box and there you go. Definitely a one-off, but I think they liked it.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Silk painting part 2 & 3

The silk painting course had been held over 3 mornings. We have all had a great time and hope to meet up again soon. Now we have learnt the basics everyone is keen to have further practice and maybe some studio time with a little supervision will be the best thing.
Here is one sample of the beautiful work.

Monday 28 March 2011

Silk painting part 1

For the first session we concentrated on learning how to stretch the silk on the frame, then applied the dyes. We used Javana heat set purchased from Great Art ( excellent range, prices good and cannot fault the customer service.)

Few pictures of the results.

Looking forward to next Saturday.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Saturday 'Stay & Play' art and craft sessions at ECHO

Venue: ECHO worshop, 40 West Street, Leominster

Dates:     23rd April "Hurrah for St George" theme
              14th May, 25th June, 23rd July

Time:  10 am - 12 noon.
Come for 2 hours or drop-in to suit you.
Cost : £3.00 per person, buys studio time and use of materials.

Refreshments available. Pay and display parking close by.

Designed to provide the opportunity for families to come and get creative together. Staff on hand to advise, the rest is up to you!
No unaccompanied children under 11.

For more details; email me, call the office 01568 620 307 or stop by the shop.

Monday 21 March 2011

Fabric and flowers

Trying out some more fabric flowers. These are quite small and ideal to go on bobby pins. 

Thursday 17 March 2011

A day to play

Yesterday was the last session of the PTLLS training course, now 2 assignments to get in before the end of March but with some leave from the day job at Echo it was time for a play.
This is a neat idea for making bangles from the plastic binding that comes on packaging sometimes. I made the woolly bases a while ago and today added some beads.
These bangles will feature in a jewellery making workshop at Queenswood Country Park on 16th July. 
Details to follow on the Facebook page soon.

Monday 14 March 2011

Afterschool Club

Back at The Studio today with brand new furniture and a group of Y4 for an afterschool session.

Art journals started and peg dollies made.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Ludlow Part 2

Back at the Studio today, this time with Y5. Today we made more fish, a mermaid and some brilliant sea urchins to finish the 'Welcome' display.
More pictures on the Facebook page.
Please email if you would like details about this workshop.

Monday 7 March 2011

Ludlow Junior School

Another workshop as part of the Short Breaks programme at Ludlow Junior School in their brand new detached room they have called 'The Studio', we were the first ones to use the space.  It's a great area to work in and we were able to spread out to start making a collage on the theme 'Under the sea' using scrap materials from Scrappies.

Will be back for part 2 tomorrow when I have to work out how to display the finished art work. Not easy when they have built a special creative area and decided that 2 small notice boards will be sufficient display space. I've filled that already!!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Thanks to WiRE & Business Link I was able to attend one of the Opening Doors workshops last year.

Women in Rural Enterprise Logo
Opening Doors Logo

Now I have a years free membership to enjoy. Just wondering if attending on of their summer shows will be a good thing to do?

More details here.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Thursday 24 February 2011

Big Fish

Up the A49 to Shrewsbury today with a stop en route at Scrappies, Church Stretton for supplies and to catch up with crafting colleagues Lesley and Liz.

Then onto Severndale School, not sure what to expect. Numbers? Ability? Hard to plan without the information. Had settled on a fish puppet, cut out of a large sheet of card with 2 handles attached so that the children could make it swim around. To be decorated with lots of sparkly bits, colourful papers, textures. Wanted to avoid pva glue if possible so went armed with double sided tape and glue dots. Plus lots of lovely scrap materials; sequin waste, coloured card, cellophane and some wonderful scrunchy stuff that has no name but sounds great when it moves.

We had 10 children in all with various disabilities and lots of helpers. All loved the fish and it was flexible enough to complete quickly or spend longer on if they were happy to do so. Really enjoyed the session and looking forward to the next workshop at Ludlow Junior School where I can develop the fishy theme and go 'under the sea'.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Sunflowers in February

Textile Art workshop for Year 2 at St Martins, Hereford

Year 2 had been studying famous people as a topic and had been introduced to Van Gogh. We took the sunflowers pictures as inspiration and made a wall hanging to decorate the reception hallway.

It was quite a challenge to work with all 48 children, involve them in the process and still come up with a respectable piece of artwork to display at the end of the day!

The children were divided into groups of 8 and then we split the day into half hour sessions. The idea for this wall hanging has evolved over 3 weeks, I really wanted the children to work with fabric and would have loved to have included some sewing. Reality check meant that we swopped stitches for glue but we were all very happy with the effect from using lots of different fabrics.

There's more photos on the Make and Take Away Facebook page click HERE to see

Had an email back from the school......

Thanks so much for the work that you did with our year two children.
The wallhanging looks fantastic and many people have sought me out to
tell me how much they love thanks

Sunday 2 January 2011

Review of 2010


It was difficult to know how much we had achieved at ECHO until just before Christmas. The shop looked wonderful and comparing it too what we had for sale the previous year demonstrated just how far we had come.

There is so much happening all the time we don't always record all the achievements, brilliant ideas and moments of genius that go into making it the special place it is.

Looking ahead we need to become more sustainable and I'm currently writing a report for the board looking at our online options.

Make and Take Away

Elsewhere workshops happened for Shropshire Short Breaks, Leominster Youth Centre, Surestart and Queenswood. However, even Make and Take Away will not escape the funding cuts as the current climate has caused every department of local authority to examine how spend every penny which will bring about changes this year. Last year many clients would not commit to spending as they were unsure just what their budgets were going to be until late into the year. But bring on the change there are always opportunities.

On a very positive note the studio is up and running with power, heating and nearly everything in the right place. Can't wait to spend more time in there very soon.