Monday 22 February 2010

Wonderwool 2010

just want to give this show a quick mention. I took Rachel last year and it is a brilliant show, we found all sorts of lovely things. Lots of stalls for all things woolly, plenty of ideas, help and inspiration plus a 'sheep walk' fashion show.

Follow the link for the dates and go if you can- it promises to be even better than last year judging by the publicity. Click here to view their website.

Friday 19 February 2010

Things have been a tad busy of late what with the new job, graduating and planning some new activities.

Very excited to have sent out the first newsletter for Make and Take Away. This will be a great way to share information and ideas, craft tutorials and giveaways. I've signed up for a 60 day trial with Constant Contact as a way to manage these mailings. Very easy to use, lets hope for some results. Email me if you'd like to join the mailing list. This month there's a free prize draw to win these earrings. Next month, Green man craft tutorial.

With studying for the MA last year I feel a bit out of the networking loop so I'll be attending 'Passion into Profit' in March. Click here for a link PASSION.

And the Facebook page is up and running. Search 'Make and Take Away' and become a fan!